Komentar :
Mbah Wal (02/12/2017 17:26)
Dwi Ery Rohmansyah (07/01/2017 16:58)
My School
Marmin Dian (14/08/2016 17:00)
Doning is the best. . .
Toto KS (25/04/2016 17:36)
Wah smk p8 slogohimo luar biasa berbasis IT..
prestasi olahraganya jg luar biasa biarpun bukan sklh bio
Riyana Nurwita (17/11/2014 05:20)
Is the best
Ciren Firda (14/04/2017 11:40)
Semea di slogohimo
Bisa menyalurkan keluar negeri
Tatag HAS (01/02/2017 12:58)
Alnazwa Firlia (18/07/2016 06:31)
Bagus sekali
Maryadi Purwantoro (30/06/2016 15:30)
Spandela is the best... Ayo segera bergabung.. sklh berbasis IT..
Dika Ganks (23/06/2015 08:27)
Smk doning yes