Komentar :
Javasera1 (25/08/2019 11:12)
Saya sering lewat tempat ini. Tempatnya cukup besar. Perusahaan ini milik orangtua murid SMA-ku. Lokasinya berada di tikungan jalan, jadi Anda harus hati-hati kalau lewat sini.
I often pass this place. The place is big enough. This company belongs to my parents' high school students. The location is on a bend in the road, so you have to be careful if you go this way.
Son Jisoo (02/06/2018 06:29)
Gusti manunggal (08/08/2016 08:08)
Salah satu penjual kijing terlama.
Enjoy Your Life (25/08/2019 11:12)
Saya sering lewat tempat ini. Tempatnya cukup besar. Perusahaan ini milik orangtua murid SMA-ku. Lokasinya berada di tikungan jalan, jadi Anda harus hati-hati kalau lewat sini.
I often pass this place. The place is big enough. This company belongs to my parents' high school students. The location is on a bend in the road, so you have to be careful if you go this way.