Komentar :
Olivia dwi anggraini (13/12/2019 12:44)
Sahid Hindralaksana (18/07/2019 17:56)
What I like the most is, a lot variety of super cheap snacks
Dhimas Anjar Widhiantoro (18/05/2019 14:55)
Many choice of food & drinks to chillin'
Hermitianta Prasetya (31/03/2019 08:12)
The grass on the field is well maintained and it has gravel running track on the outerside of the field. It has tribune so spectator can watch football game undisturbed from the rain or harsh daylight. Traditional archery club namely Samber Nyowo annually held a jemparingan traditional archery competition inside the stadium.
santi dewi (02/07/2018 10:08)
Many fast food in here...and good place for jogging or hangout or work out
Lita Ariani (28/12/2016 09:28)
Being located on a quiet place and decorated with a mini garden for a small recreation, this place could be sufficiently clean and cozy. In the afternoon, it displays many culinary outlet for family to enjoy...
Herrie Schupriyantho (11/09/2019 14:37)
Pardi Anto (16/05/2018 06:08)
Bobby Depha (21/04/2018 16:37)
My favourite childhood place to play
haris firnandita saputra (17/04/2018 03:53)
Bayu Octariyanto (11/04/2018 14:36)
Hanya menikmati di luar lapangan saja bersama anak2.
veve wibowo (25/10/2017 10:10)
Many tournaments held in here. The quality of the grass is poor. There is some culinary around this place.
yerobeam pijar riasingwang (17/06/2017 03:28)
This stadion is the most favourite for sports
Mursid Basuki Kurniawan (26/10/2017 06:07)
Sport centre near home
Bahar Ipomiarto (05/08/2017 10:28)
Nice place
Agus Setijadi (16/07/2017 00:59)
Ignatius Nuvella Sapto Yuwono (29/06/2017 01:15)
It's located near my house
Nyez Syanto (05/06/2017 06:14)
Aditya Wardana (04/05/2017 13:20)
Dulu tiap pelajaran olahraga selalu di sini.
Pengalaman jadi anggota paskibraka juga di lapangan ini.
MT 25 Rider (02/05/2017 12:30)
Enak buat olahraga, Jogging, Sepedaan, Main bola gratis kok... Come here in wonogiri
Reza Sakti (17/03/2017 10:17)
Tempat yang asik untuk bermain anak pada sore hari.
Budi Yanto (06/02/2017 05:09)
Upacara apel pdip
Agus Martanto Mahardiko (19/01/2017 14:35)
Lapangan Pringgodani.. Walau sudah mulai ditinggalkan.. Namun sekarang sudah mulai banyak yang memanfaatkan untuk acara-acara santai bersama anak..
Mursyid b kurniawan (13/12/2016 01:38)
Ceremony fields at wonogiri
Ahmad Dwi Artadi Putra (12/07/2016 00:43)
Tempatnya cukup luas. Namun sayang tribun hanya ada di sisi barat. Tempat parkirnya juga luas, terdapat pepohonan di sekitarnya.
Muhammad Saputra (02/07/2016 08:26)
Desi Aminarti (09/03/2016 07:19)
Saya ngising di jalan
andrianus f. wijaya (05/01/2016 01:23)
Tempat olahraga