Komentar :
Agil Alamsyah (13/04/2018 16:54)
Pesantren yg sedang berkembang
aliymul Chanel (06/04/2018 10:14)
Masih tradisional dan muridnya sedikit
Umbul Ment (25/01/2018 15:50)
Pondok pesantren salafiyah safi'iyyah Al Munir Sukoharjo pringsewu
Sapta Putra (06/12/2017 01:40)
Bangga jadi santri..Al-munir Al-islamy
Yuyun Yuniarti (18/11/2017 04:59)
Alhamdulilah suami sya sekarang udah ada perubahan sakit darah tingginya mulai membaik.ilmu spiritual ini sangat baik dan bagus
Moh. Khatibul Umam (04/11/2017 00:35)
This islamic boarding school is very nice. It's the best place to people who would like to learn not only about islamic studies like sufism, ethics or other islamic thought but also to learn about leadership, sociopreneurship, soft skills and how to develop and involve in the society. One of the thing that makes the school is famous especially in Lampung cause it serves an 'alternative treatment' for any kind of diseases and how to learn about that way from the basic.
Eko Setyawan (12/09/2017 07:50)
Ilmu spiritual yg membuat hati saya terasa tenang
d' hanien (18/08/2017 12:37)
Tempat tholabul 'ilmi
Rifan Fh (03/07/2017 05:00)
Masih mondok
Rahmat Haidir anam (21/06/2017 10:28)
Mantap jiwa, spritual
Nababan Al Muniry (31/01/2017 17:13)