Komentar :
Akhmad Daya Endra Mustika (08/10/2020 12:27)
(The parking lot is quite large. Only patients are allowed to enter. For the introduction, they have to wait at the front. Waiting chairs are also provided (x) (revision)). For those who are checked the body temperature is only the patient. The parking lot is quite large but cannot be used because all visitors have to park outside / on the side of the road.
any shabilly (25/09/2020 08:37)
The service at FAUZIAH Hospital is friendly. while here it is a bit dirty. lack of response. even though the female obstetrician is the only one I know. Why is it more friendly to male doctors ... even though it is not comfortable to check it. My son who wants to see his younger brother is also not allowed to enter. for what reason.
Wendys Aldilla Rosa (10/08/2020 01:20)
Ramah dokternya
King Gaming (17/06/2020 19:35)
Dokternya ramah , parkir lumayan luas , pelayanan mantap
Kajian Mutiara Ilmu (01/07/2019 13:50)
Pelayanan kurang baik..banyak di tanya keluhan ketika di kasir, tapi pas diperiksa cuma sebentar..
Kurang memuaskan
Cintya Purbo (18/06/2019 13:37)
Antri lumayan lama, tapi bisa daftar antrian dari hari sebelumnya. Pelayanan baik dan ramah. Dokternya juga ramah, nyaman konsultasi.
salt mikovic (21/04/2019 00:27)
Antriannya lama. Pelayanan dokter kurang memuaskan, kurang komunikatif tidak memberi penjelasan kpd pasien jd kurang puas.
nuria zakiya (24/07/2018 06:34)
Belum ketemu dokternya sih... Tunggu aja info selanjutnya kalau udah konsultasi sama dr. Ais yaa ????????
Hendro Jio (17/10/2017 11:57)
Muhammad Aufa (30/12/2016 04:56)
Kontrol kehamilan di klinik Dr. Ais
Agatis Christinawati (21/11/2018 06:18)
Aq pernah kesana..usia kandungan 1bln smpe 9bln..dokternya baik ramah..pelayanannya ok...
Desi Wonorejo (04/11/2018 22:57)
Pelayanan sangat baik.
Aku pernah usg anak pertama pd beberapa bulan yg lalu
uzmaa hfz (19/07/2018 06:28)
Pernah juga kesini
Ibnu Khaldun (07/04/2018 14:28)
Pelayanan nya baik, pokok nya OK