Komentar :
Aldi Aldi (03/07/2019 23:44)
Love this place ,the best ranjungan and lobster ive ever taste....(im a ranjungan and lobster virgin ) 😃
Fauzan Arief (12/06/2019 17:00)
Oh my god.. This is the place for spicy fans. To those who are not strong enough with spicy food.. This isn't the right place for you. But the food was good though, good luck for anyone who's up for challenge!
Wisnu Wardana (15/05/2019 14:21)
The sea food in Tuban. Must give it a try if you pass this city.
tri kusumo (15/01/2019 06:01)
super recommended
Andinasp Sp (10/07/2018 04:24)
“Hidden Gem, Lobster with Authentic Spicy Curry”
To reach this small restaurant you may need local people to guide you or you can ask the direction from the local people.
I must say, this place is a 'Hidden Gem' in Tuban. I ordered 1 portion of Lobster, 3 portions of Crabs, 7 rices, 7 drinks, and some fish crackers only cost Rp 500.000.
It's cheap since other seafood restaurant give way MORE expensive price for the same dishes I've ordered in this place.
The Crabs and Lobster seasoned with Indonesian curry sauce. It taste savory and spicy dishes, with authentic indonesian herbs and spices. One portion of Lobster consists of 3 medium lobsters.
The lobsters meat is so tender and delicious, like the taste of heaven. (hahahaha, trust me...so delicious, until I cant describe in words). What about the Crabs?? Hmmm...SO YUMMY!! and tender and delicious. Just cant get enough of them!.
PS: You MUST make reservation first in the morning, before you come, because they you usually sold out at 12.00 pm sharp!
titi aristiani (03/06/2018 07:24)
Asli murah meriah enak , pedes nya masih bisa diteriimmaaa ... pasti bakalan balik lagi kesni menikmati lobster ama rajungan
aprian andri prastya (01/06/2018 04:52)
Caesa Simanjuntak (29/05/2018 09:27)
Little bit hot, but the food 5star
Rukmi Widiasih (13/04/2018 11:08)
Kokoseti Pur (09/04/2018 11:58)
Budi Karyo (02/03/2018 05:59)
Mbe wak
Steven Pram (01/12/2017 05:28)
The food is great, not too spicy but the location is hard to access
Hendro Poerwandito (04/04/2017 08:54)
traditional and old school.. authentic taste for local culinary
Chusnul Huda (15/12/2017 03:47)
Makanan khas Tuban
Novan C Nugraha (13/12/2017 22:52)
Porsi besar dan semuanya pedas banget
PRANATA WISATA (07/09/2017 08:11)
Mantap banget.
Kulineran tuban ada disini, mulai kare rajungan pedas, cumi, belut, becek menthok, jeroan ayam, telur rajungan, udang.
Rasanya mantap khas tuban, ga coba bakal penasaran dech.
toband green (07/06/2017 08:15)
i want to give 10 stars for mbak narti. if u're a spicy lovers u should try this one guys. srimping cumi udang telur kepiting rajungan and bekicot nya bener2 endesss. pedes banget. gak banget sih menurut saya tapi for some people banyak yang ga kuat. pokoknya kalo ke tuban kudu cobain mbak narti pake banget. oiya tempatnya yang masuk2 gitu pun yang bikin sensasi kalo mau ke mbak narti.
Manumoyoso Priyanggono (22/05/2017 07:06)
Pecinta makanan pedas pasti menyukai menu disini.
Ada Lobster, rajungan, cumi-cumi, mentok, belut yang semuanya maknyus
Lila Manumoyoso (21/05/2017 16:10)
Pedas sedap dan nikmat..
Lobster, rajungan, cumi-cumi... Enak dan mantap.
Jangan sampai datang kesiangan.. atau ke habisan
R Irfan E (25/04/2017 12:01)
Yummy..but the location is hard to access
norma yulianti (19/03/2017 08:45)
Warung seafood tersembunyi tapi rasa g bsa disembunyikan
Indriana D (27/01/2017 16:23)
Sayang lokasinya agak njlimet alias ruwet..Rasa masakan.. Oklah
Heru Saeru (18/01/2017 11:42)
Masakannya ciri orang tuban banget 😁
Kalo mau seafood,tapi dengan suasana pedesaan ya disini tempatnya.
Cocok untuk makan bersama keluarga, teman kerja, atau pasangan 😀
danny putra (26/12/2016 01:31)
Penggemar Lobster dan Rajungan, Wajibb coba Bos.. uennnaakkk smpe meler2...haha
Haryo Mumpuni Pribadi (23/08/2016 02:37)
Untuk pecinta masakan pedas khas Tuban, Menu Warung "Goto" Mbak Narti : Rajungan, Lobster dan Goto masak kare pedas, oseng-oseng telur rajungan, udang, kerang tahu, bekicot, cumi bumbu hitam, belut rica-rica, becek mentok serta asem-asem ndas iwak manyung mampu menggugah selera kuliner ditambah dengan kombinasi nasi jagung serta minuman legen khas tuban yang fresh.
Abdul Jalil (13/08/2016 15:38)
Mantapp sekaleee
primawan wisda (28/06/2016 05:59)
Rasanya pol
dedy irawan (03/06/2016 06:29)
Jalan menuju lokasi sempit dan berkelok. Tapi cita rasa masakannya mantap, gak nyangka ada tempat makan beginian.
Rika Wijayani (20/04/2016 05:33)
Lobster nya luar biasaaaahhhh
Dieto Tiga Tiga (03/02/2016 17:42)
Lobsters nya mantab......