Komentar :
Mif. Huda (16/04/2018 12:02)
tukang becaknya suka nutup jalan bagi orang yg ingin berjalan kaki dan itu mengganggu sekali. apalagi sering minta tambahan ongkos diluar ketentuan dg alasan ini itu. sama penjual minyak wangi itu yg suka memaksa org utk beli. tolong ditertibkan.
Vido Kharismada (09/03/2018 03:57)
Great place for praying.
retno pondi (11/02/2018 10:46)
a place to pray to ALLAH and learn islamic history
Tsauro Ahalla (26/01/2018 13:50)
I often go here to have religious ritual prayer. It like you pray for your family, friend, and person you respect a lot. It brings peace to my heart.
Zhall Leonhart (25/07/2017 15:28)
Tuban is my second hometown. I spent a half part of my childhood here. Nice place to visit. Religious and historical architecture. One if Tuban's landmark.
Faizal Noviandri (25/07/2017 15:16)
Tuban is my second hometown. I live half part of my childhood here. Nice place to visit. Religious and historycal architecture. One of Tuban's landmark.
Khrist Wm (14/12/2017 08:51)
Bumi wali
Tia Ayu (11/12/2017 02:16)
It's accessible as it is on the center of the city.
Gojek Jakarta Driver (07/09/2017 02:59)
Another place and still one of the best to visit
Surya Ramadhan (31/08/2017 23:53)
One of the most religion destination islam in Tuban
Teguh Bonar (21/07/2017 11:38)
Halawatul Iman
Robert Jimmy Dairi (28/06/2017 10:49)
Religiously nice
Sari Pria perdana (01/05/2017 07:55)
Nice place
bud dipur (03/01/2017 08:25)
ayuk rhy (10/12/2016 12:09)
Ok fixs........
uddin lumajang (27/11/2016 14:17)
suhiman rasmad (31/05/2016 03:21)
Alel Achmad (12/03/2016 16:51)
heritage and religius place bonding together
Thoriq Ardy (02/12/2016 12:11)
Siapkan tenaga ekstra jika Anda akan mengunjungi wali 9
Brilian Putra A (28/08/2016 08:13)
Very crowded
Yulius Digdo Hanggoro (09/07/2016 11:51)
Sangat religius
zakky mubarrok wicaksono (29/11/2015 10:11)
Crowded but clean
masruer el-qudsye (14/06/2015 07:01)
I like it
Samsul Hadi (13/05/2015 10:14)
Tuban memang kota wali
Firdaus Fani (15/02/2015 15:22)
sungguh menyucikan jiwa