Komentar :
dwi handaya (23/05/2018 23:15)
Great Cofee
eddy suwignyo (05/05/2018 06:18)
Nice place for hangout..
Negeri Hijau (15/02/2018 05:48)
Great Place to have discussion
vynne sari (27/01/2018 09:09)
Da best
Blackpaper Game (06/11/2017 21:25)
Good place
Roy I Evendy (01/03/2017 23:09)
Good place to have coffee and hangout with friend, I make this place also for dinner with my family.
Cisna Prof (17/11/2016 11:39)
Cozy place for hanging out. Close till 00.00
ratna octodinata (18/05/2016 07:09)
Food and beverage is good. Cozy place and free Wi-Fi access.
iwan sugianto (24/10/2017 22:01)
Very nice
R Irfan E (01/03/2017 23:09)
Good place to have coffee and hangout with friend, I make this place also for dinner with my family.
Agung atmojou (21/02/2017 14:10)
That place is ok
Shofihul Alim (09/07/2016 22:15)
Suasana out door coffe story
Rubito Jaya (27/10/2016 15:03)
Quite good place
Fariz Chamim (13/09/2016 10:31)
Standart harga & rasa. Sepertinya tidak ada trainning utk karyawan. Sehingga, tidak tahu beda food & beverage + saya sebagai konsumen disuruh mbetulin laptop kasir yg error
Ginanjar Dwij (10/08/2016 04:12)
Josss... Pudeeessss #ramen enak
Cahaya Ubliq (06/08/2016 23:20)
Tempat ngopi saya.
Yulius Digdo Hanggoro (17/07/2016 02:15)
alimi amsco (09/07/2016 22:15)
Suasana out door coffe story