Komentar :
David Hary (02/10/2020 12:56)
Good service, friendly service
Agung Kodok (18/09/2020 05:54)
For bro and sis who live around Banyuurip in the middle of Temanggung, try to stop by here if you want to find complete electronic goods and guaranteed satisfying service to be greeted with warm hospitality.
Come on
A Google User (22/07/2020 09:29)
Vicky Eliezar (05/04/2020 05:45)
Ada nomer wa nya kah?
Taufik Sahidin (05/01/2020 13:04)
Lengkap dan bisa servis, pelayanan ramah dan cepat.
chries setya (29/11/2019 16:13)
Andika Remy Yoni (14/05/2019 07:20)
Top Computer salah satu toko computer yg punya jaringan terbanyak di setiap kota di daerah Jateng, di Jogja jg ada lho guys..
Lestari Lis (12/05/2019 03:26)
Pelayanannya bagus
Pak Darmadi (30/01/2018 06:40)
Computer and it's accessories store.
Various compt and accessories available, and compt. services. Nice and warm guys...
Secure Toast Cheese (20/06/2019 14:40)
Pelayan baik, friendly
Nurul hidayah (17/08/2018 23:00)
Gan mau tanya, ini laptop nya udah ready atau harus pesan dulu ya?
Rifqi Hasya (13/07/2018 09:28)
Lumayan lengkap dan representatif
Maz Prazt (20/06/2017 15:51)
Menyediakan kebutuhan elektronik komputer.
Aldous W (11/06/2017 15:21)
Harga relatif murah untuk rata2 Temanggung. Pelayanan OK
Prasetyo Jati (20/06/2017 15:51)
Menyediakan kebutuhan elektronik komputer.
Aldous Wiraputra (11/06/2017 15:21)
Harga relatif murah untuk rata2 Temanggung. Pelayanan OK