Komentar :
catur pamungkas (23/04/2018 09:17)
Es sadeli yang legenda dari dulu rasa es yang autententik, unik, kl ke temanggung jangan lupa mampir ke es sadeli, harga murah, kl untuk soto nya standar rasanya, tapi es nya maknyuuuss
Nikodemus Gunawan (02/01/2018 12:13)
like the Soto on this eatery so much, we used to buy it by a container when we lived nearby during the 80s and the restaurant was established about 35 years ago
Roy Adrianto (20/05/2017 11:28)
Coba deh Gule ayam nya...
Laode Setiawan (14/03/2017 00:54)
Enak ndess
Danu Djojosoemarto (25/05/2016 03:54)
Also try es coklat with the local soto
Ari Wiyanto (27/04/2016 02:28)
Soto tempe bacem telur puyuh minum ya es dawet.. waaaah jan mak nyussssss....!