Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Laris Department Store & Supermarket

Temanggung, Jawa Tengah
Klasifikasi: Mall dan Department Store, Supermarket, Toko, Restaurant, Cafe, Bakery, dan Bar
Alamat: JL. KS Tubun, Gendongan, Temanggung II, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56213, Indonesia
Rating: 5.00
Telp: +62 812-2796-539
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 9:00 AM � 9:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM � 9:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM � 9:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM � 9:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM � 9:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM � 9:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM � 9:00 PM

Komentar :

Liendha William (06/11/2020 05:24)
Nice store

Julia Anggun (03/11/2020 13:16)
Your kiddos can play while we enjoy our shopping time!

novan channel (10/09/2020 10:34)
The best for shopping

Ray Fitzgerald (18/02/2020 07:46)
Good place to shop for daily supplies. Carries limited supplies not much on fresh meats, veggies or fruits. But all and all not bad for a small grocery store. Be careful on what days you go. Wholesale customers will back up lines and you can be in line a very long time behind them. If you pay by card you will be stuck behind them. If you pay cash you can avoid them but sometimes you will be limited to the 10 items or less lanes. If they had some lanes for the regular shoppers to buy more items and pay by card it would make for a more enjoyable shopping experience. If you try going on other days like the weekend they are out of stock on many items. More variety on items would be nice also.

Novian Adi (12/08/2019 16:59)
Nice place and has cheap arcade

thedashdam . (21/07/2019 14:10)
Good place to find your clothes

Lukas Dedi (17/06/2019 09:33)
Best shoping place in center of temanggung city

Koest KlOwOk (11/06/2019 15:50)
Good place for shopping for most people, you can find medium to high clasification, reachable for most people. The store with good parking area, especially in the basement for motorcycle.

Pak Darmadi (18/05/2019 02:17)
Various daily needs available, almost complete except fresh things.....
Clothes, shoes, electronics, toys, and stationeries available too. They has kids Game and plays corner too

Annisa Puspa Kurnia K (16/11/2018 11:35)
Better if this 1st floor building facilitated with air conditioner /AC thus the buyer will likely to stay longer to shop

Ulli Ardiyanti (23/08/2018 13:03)
Laris temanggung is a comfortable place for you to shop from daily needs to very important needs

on the first floor there are food items and other daily necessities

on the second floor there is a children's playground and also a place to sell clothes ranging from children's clothes to parents all available there

laris temanggung is a comfortable shopping place

thedashdam (21/07/2019 14:10)
Good place to find your clothes

Soni (21/06/2019 17:37)
Mall tmg wkk

lukas dedi (17/06/2019 09:33)
Best shoping place in center of temanggung city

sefni ardita (17/02/2019 09:08)
The price is competitive, complete ... but sometimes it is not convenient because in the children's play area upstairs is too stuffy and hot.

Fitri Arum sari (07/08/2018 12:24)
u can buy anything here from pants to books, from bread to fryingpan. i bought notesbook there. only few option of it.

adi wibowo (07/07/2018 13:15)
This place needs Air Conditioner

Gracia Monica (03/06/2018 15:19)
Tempat paling oke buat hangout dan belanja kebutuhan sehari hari! Murah lengkap pelayanan bagus

Bambang Dwinugroho (01/06/2018 04:25)
Parkir kurang bersij

Nikodemus Gunawan (11/04/2018 05:55)
the store has many varieties of goods with all the amenities you can expect from a large department store. its great selection of product and wide shopping space would have been loved by many. the choices of numerous other products beside the grocery store items like electronics, appliances, clothing, and footwear will really make it worth the visit, it even has a food court, a play area, and an ATM. it looks like I can say that Laris is a haven for the shoppers alike

Daniel Wahyu (02/04/2018 12:31)
Laris swalayan
Tempat belanja pilihan bagi anda yang mau berhemat belanja bulanan,,, tersedia berbagai macam kebutuhan sehari hari, mulai sembako sampai dengan fasion dengan harga bersahabat.. Tersedia promo khusus bagi pemegang kartu member

agil sandi (24/03/2018 08:07)

initials AR (17/02/2018 09:48)

Ajeng Dian (10/02/2018 07:34)
Love, here we can playing games, karoke,have fun, dancing , etc :)

Van Mocks Mocks (24/11/2017 05:58)
Komplit sih , tp adain event donk , diskonan atau apalah biar menarik lg , kan bisa tuh ningkatin penjualan .......

Anggita Septiani (11/11/2017 07:52)
Tempat belanja favorit kalo di Temanggung.. Cuma Laris yang komplit.. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

abdul sahab (30/09/2017 13:47)
Lumayan ramai.

Aldous Wiraputra (20/08/2017 03:35)
Dept store terlengkap di Temanggung, menjual aneka kebutuhan sehari hari sampai fashion dan elektronik. Melayani pembelian grosir untuk pedagang.

Emi Arti (21/06/2017 09:53)
Laris temanggung, tmptnya d tengah kota.. barangnya lengkap dn utk pedagang harganya bs di pertimbangkan..

Zula Zulfi (29/01/2017 08:37)
Tmpat yg bgus kalo dikota kecil. Parkir luas. Hargaa aduhhh

Reno Phone (15/01/2017 14:50)
Terbesar di temanggung

radityo pambudi (18/12/2016 10:24)
Dalam proses pengembangan gedung Dan fasilitas,. Pelayanan semakin membaik

Mufidah 93 (12/12/2016 04:31)
Baju lumayan bagus, barang elektronik jg tapi sayang harganya CUKUP mahal untuk wilayah 'Temanggung' yg Kabupaten kecil

Bibim Arteta (24/08/2016 06:34)
Tempatnya luass...terang..tempatnya dipusat kota..jadi mudah untuk mengunjunginya..ada foodcourtnya juga..tapi harganya mahal2.hihihi

Enggar Azizi (13/09/2016 09:53)
Tempatnya bagus tapi mahal harga barang barangnya mahal

ikhsan rifai (29/07/2016 04:01)
Toserba yang cukup kumplit di temanggung

Astin Devi (22/06/2016 03:34)
Nyaman kualitasnya

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Perkasa Outlet
    Jl. Sundoro No.16, Kewaluhan, Kertosari, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56217, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 815-1066-8118
  2. Alfamart Gatsu
    Jl. Gatot Subroto No.269, Cibangkong, Batununggal, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40263, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 22 7314179
  3. Citra Kasih
    Jl. Pahlawan No.53, Gentan, Purworejo, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56277, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 811-256-094
  4. Warung Mie AYAM JAMUR Bu Wiwik
    Jl. Tepungsari, Sendang, Walitelon Sel., Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56229, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 853-2808-6058
  5. Maestro Fitness & Cafe
    Antara SMA 2 & SMA, Jalan Giyanti No.14, Giyanti, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56226, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 293 4961675
  6. Kedai Soto Mbok Tumpuk
    Jalan MT. Haryono, Temanggung 2, Temanggung, Suronatan, Temanggung II, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56213, Indonesia
  7. Moeroep Stiker Temanggung
    Jl. Jend. MT Haryono No.98, Pandean, Temanggung II, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56213, Indonesia
  8. Jambu Merah
    Perumahan Kowangan Utama Blok A-1, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Kowangan, Temanggung, Dompon, Kowangan, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56218, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 813-2810-9239
  9. Pegadaian UPC Ngadirejo
    Jl. Jend. MT Haryono No.71, Pacarsari, Temanggung II, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56213, Indonesia
  10. Daun Mas Resto
    Jl. Suwandi Suwardi No.3, Kauman, Kowangan, Kec. Temanggung, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56218, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 293 4960171
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