Komentar :
Suyandi Liyis (04/03/2020 14:06)
The only big book store in town. Please sell more books like gramedia in bigger town.
Rezaayukusuma04 (14/12/2018 02:01)
Gramedia Tegal is in Rita Super Mall Tegal. gramedia tegal helps a lot of children both teenagers and adults to find books or just buy school supplies. Gramedia Tegal is very large, the book offered is also the same as the market price and can order a book if the book you are looking for is no stock.
Muhammad Noer Hadie (25/11/2018 13:19)
Good place to looking for many kinds of book.
Ajiz Aliawan (22/11/2018 11:35)
Transformation your idea
needa flowwa (18/03/2017 13:58)
This one just take over the nominee of the best book store in Indonesia, I think.
The price got higher than before.
Louis Lokollo (19/02/2017 03:40)
The right place to buy book ...Magazine. ...
IWAN IBRAHIM (21/10/2018 04:41)
Menurut saya toko buku paling komplit di daerah tegal dan sekitarnya. Tempatnya nyaman dan tata ruang yg menarik...
Elsa Sabrina (16/02/2018 12:34)
ada khusus buku korea2 gtu gk?
Afitri Aidah (08/02/2018 04:53)
Toko buku dan alat tulis yang punya koleksi lengkap, up to date dan beraneka ragam. Lokasinya mudah dijangkau. Pelayanannya ramah. Harganya juga relatif terjangkau.
Terkadang ada event-event seru yang berkaitan dengan literasi yang jangan sampai terlewatkan.
Sun Flower (18/03/2017 13:58)
This one just take over the nominee of the best book store in Indonesia, I think.
The price got higher than before.
cipto budi utomo (10/02/2017 01:57)
The sanctuary....