Komentar :
Trieko Yananto (19/05/2018 22:30)
Lamb satai is good, soft and easy to eat.
Crecentia Yudhita (17/02/2018 05:26)
One of most famous restaurant in Cirebon. You should try their "nasi jamblang", "nasi lengko" and "empal gentong".
Mariyah Karima (15/10/2017 04:05)
Tried 1. Nasi Lengko (score 4.5); 2. Sate Kambing Muda (score 3) was good tho but underdone (bikin mood gw ilang aja); 3. Empal Asem just so so (score 3). For empal asem you better go to Krucuk 1 freakin tasty there.
Dessert: Es Duren (score 6!) Diamond rating here...and sooooo cheap. Bandung kebanyakan matre for only half the score but they are twice pricey. Disini harganya cuma 20rb tapi superb!
Nasi jamblang Bu Nur havent tried may be on my next trip.
Rafael Jeremia Jonathans (19/09/2017 00:17)
I tried the empal gentong, empal asem and sate kambing. Taste good. No AC. Limited parking area, only capable to accommodate around 8 cars.
Rafid Fikri (16/03/2017 07:26)
It has the taste of traditional/local cirebonese food. The Nasi Lengko & Sate Kambing Muda in here are very delicious! As good as the famous Nasi Lengko H. Barno at Jl. Pagongan. So crowded in lunchtime, the price is quite high but worth it! Good place good food!