Komentar :
Siti Hajaroh (13/07/2020 09:36)
Dokter nya ramah dan bersahabat, saya 2x disitu konsultasi, dokter memberikan penjelasan yang sangat gamblang. Salam dri saya bu ????
Ahmad Ripayyy (12/03/2020 13:45)
Apa ada No wa ?
Rezaayukusuma04 (09/09/2018 21:27)
Evelyn's doctor's practice is very draining, but don't worry because there in terms of payment can be paid in installments but must use the first dp money. the doctor was very friendly to his customers. Besides that, Evelyn's doctor is already an expert in basic dental matters if you have a problem with your teeth. Dentist Evelyn is the solution.