About Cafe Merah Putih
Cafe Merah Putih is a cafe, located at No., Jl. Kemakmuran No.52, Mappasaile, Pangkajene, Kabupaten Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan, Sulawesi Selatan 90614, Indonesia. Visit their website merahputihbali.com for more detailed information.
Leo Liem
" Good Place & Good Food "
15 May 2018Seila Anjany
" Memberikan kita kemudahan disaat kita membutuhkan bantuan untuk merayakan suatu momen berharga. "
07 May 2018Shan Thaddeus
" Have a my friend "
15 December 2017HOE FOR KOO JUNHOE
" Overall a good place to hangout with friends, just too quiet and the food was kinda bland. "
18 October 2017Harry
" Simple and chic place with delicious taste of food and beverage "
21 March 2017