Komentar :
Distributor Importir Bandung (06/10/2020 05:38)
Barang-barangnya kondisi top! Spare part juga lengkap. Aneka jenis sepeda tersedia lengkap.
Yang mencari sepeda anak 3 in 1 langsung importir bisa hubungi saya.????
dwi ardianti (04/10/2020 06:04)
The price is still reasonable ????????????
Julie Sunday (03/09/2020 14:40)
Look at the ig Spedia, the goods are good, come to the shop complete and the prices are friendly ... just by chance I need spare parts that people rarely sell ..
Oh yes, watch out, there is an Instagram account that took photos from this shop that was used for fraud, poor Spedia store is not wrong to blame
Hendra Yulinda (04/12/2019 00:18)
Apakah tokoh ini punya ig hikmah_sepeda. Karna menjual harga sepeda murah.
Fajar Kukuh Aprillian (01/12/2019 23:02)
Apakah toko sepeda ini mempunyai akun ig hikmah sepeda?
Mohon jawabannya lur????
vino latifa (08/08/2019 06:31)
Harga murah, pelayanan ramah banget. Beli ban sepeda dikasih bonus alat buat buka pentil. Sukses terus ko .
Kyoto Mike (20/12/2018 05:22)
Best bicycle Equipment store