Komentar :
Afih Geboy (13/02/2020 13:26)
Coc Mamang (14/05/2019 02:47)
Nice place and low price
Kevin Dani Jobilius (29/11/2018 06:40)
Nice place great food, but wouldn't recommend if raining
Herman Fukuhara (20/09/2018 00:10)
Good price and taste but I don't know why so long to waiting for a menus what I ordered.
Ginanjar Rahayu (21/07/2018 13:31)
The service is so damn long. Hate it!
Well I admit, the place is nice for hanging out, especially Saturday night.
Nazhifah Husna S (13/06/2018 17:48)
Top service !!
Lt Zey (26/09/2019 23:13)
Good reputable
RiskiRama79 . (19/08/2019 13:31)
Nice place ever
lupy ad (07/05/2018 10:17)
The cozy place to spend your weekend or have some fresh air after work
Irma Kusmiati (17/05/2018 07:01)
Rasanya unik, enak. Tempatnya nyaman buat nongkiiiww sama temen temen. Harganya terjangkau. Tempatnya juga ngga jauh dari stasiun Tasikmalaya hehe
lupy agustina (07/05/2018 10:17)
The cozy place to spend your weekend or have some fresh air after work
FUZASA (03/05/2018 06:43)
Low price
Eka Rahmawati (17/03/2018 03:02)
Kali ini cobain menu steak tempe nya. Enak, suka, kenyang banget. π
ASIAH JAKARIA (02/02/2018 12:41)
Yogi Sugito (02/11/2017 13:26)
fauzy iqbal (30/10/2017 13:03)
Good place
Fifin Afrialdy (27/08/2017 15:06)
Cozy place.. π
yudha yugianto (19/09/2017 06:24)
harga murah, rasa oke, nongkrong tenang
rheza reyhan (07/09/2017 07:04)
Tempat ini strategis, cocok untuk anak sekolah yang suka berkumpul
Muhamad Ismu Raharjo (15/08/2017 09:54)
Murah, nyaman, bersih dan cocok utk kongkow2 anak muda di Tasikmalaya.
dhimas 1995 (06/07/2017 11:18)
Tempatnya bagus, tapi sayang pelayanannya kurang masih suka salah orderan kalo pesen wkwk. Keep it up lahπ
Wili Karlina (01/07/2017 06:31)
Rumah makan.. coba ke sini yuk