Komentar :
Thyas Pramesthi (26/05/2018 16:49)
Not bad for a book and stationery store near home
Faris Farhan (25/04/2018 08:13)
Alat yg dicari ada sebagian. Pelayanan kurang.
Intan siti nugraha (21/04/2018 04:30)
Find more affordable stationery there! You'll be satisfied shopping there~
Anna Kania Dewi (18/02/2018 10:09)
A good place to find any stationary with moderate price
Dhoni G. Daradjat (27/01/2018 15:40)
Cheap place to buy stationary stuff..
Airlangga Jati Kusuma (06/01/2018 12:31)
Everyhing about stationery that you looking for are available here. For people who lived in Ujung Berung area, this store can be alternative of Gramedia.
RAFI 71 (24/10/2017 03:10)
Complete and have a good prices
Fajar Fauzi Hakim (01/08/2017 23:08)
It was almost in ruin. Good for quick stationary shopping, not for book shopping. People from Eastern Bandung has no many choices anyway.