Komentar :
Pipih Sopiah (01/06/2019 21:41)
heti susilawati (01/03/2019 05:53)
I'm happy in here
king of darks (13/01/2019 12:29)
Perfect place for women stuff 👌🏻
Ison Rudhyson (16/11/2018 06:37)
UR dress maker & design
sashri lisdiani (29/07/2018 11:53)
Great place to buy various handycraft matetial
Reyhan Alif Nanda (28/09/2018 18:14)
Mantappp super komplit tempatnya nyari nyari furniture atau aksesoris hits dan juga kekinian
Aditya Perdana (07/07/2018 05:56)
Not Quite Affordable, Merchandise nya berdebu
Irman Subhan (13/04/2018 02:04)
The most complete tasiknalaya hand craft item. nice
Salamun Rinaldy (31/12/2017 09:23)
Too narrow inside, not too many cashier, so the line is long.
Willy Wilnanto (26/12/2017 11:35)
Currently force closed as security staff suspected molesting customers.
Please search further updated local news.
Sobah Yippie (25/12/2017 14:20)
Pelayanan di toko tidak baik karena kasus yang baru ini terjadi, how come such a male security could ordering a female customer to get naked just to make sure she didn't stole a single thing from the store? Hebat bener kewenangan security itu
nur sobah (25/12/2017 14:04)
If you think u would recommending a store that gonna get u naked just to make sure that u didn't stole anything to their security, how wise u r
Alya Aulia (19/09/2017 05:44)
Cocok buat kamu, because whatever you are looking for is there. from start the room decoration needs the same party haha and others.😂
Yusep Iskandar (27/09/2017 00:53)
Recommended accessories store
Laisa Naudia (16/09/2017 15:45)
I loved this place so much, because there's full of creative stuffs.
Ridwan Loekito (25/08/2017 23:02)
Kalau kamu ingin cari aksesoris dan pernak pernik disini lah tempat yang paling lemgkap di kota tasikmalaya..
Aep Firman (24/08/2017 08:11)
Anything here is ready...
Agun Gumilang (20/08/2017 04:21)
Mau belanja aksesoris dan perlengkapan alat jahit ya di sini, dijamin murah dan bebas pilih... Kayak super market nya aksesoris...
firda fauziyah (09/08/2017 09:44)
The place serve many stuffs and accessories, I can find bags, shoes, material for clothes, pillows, accessories for girls, glasses, home decorations, plastic flowers .
nova novia (09/07/2017 21:57)
Kalau kesni gelap mata deh ini itu mau, karena barang yang dijualnya lucu-lucu.. Khusus pecinta vintage, atau yang suka dekorasi rumah cocok belanja disini
Opey Bebek (19/06/2017 15:33)
Yuuu blnja ke ratu paksi disini komplit serba ada klian maw apa aja ada di ratu paksi
Mama Yani (05/06/2017 12:00)
Toko Accesories dan perlengkapan alat jahit Terlengkap... Termurah... Terjangkau harganya, dan sangat terkenal di kota Tasikmalaya.
Tri Heryani Radianto (04/06/2017 22:32)
Tersedia semua kebutuhan berupa assesoris, perlengkapan jahit lengkap, fashion juga dan pernak pernik yg imut dan lucu
Aurrival Zzay (22/05/2017 15:07)
Segala macam kebutuhan disini tempatnya... Alat jahit dan accesories komplit di RATU PAKSI
Eti Nurbaeti (28/12/2016 04:37)
seneng belanjanya cuma sayang aturan masuk toko tas pribadi harus dititipkan yg membuat saya tidak nyaman sbg konsumen...