Komentar :
Fahmi Alfaroh (27/04/2018 04:32)
so so lah
Wulan sari harwoto (12/04/2018 01:41)
Pelayanan nya ramah fast respon , no WiFi ,
Ada play ground nya ,tempatnya nya cukup luas ,bisa smoking area diluar dan pastinya suka betah lama2 klo Uda nongkrong disini walaupun cuma minum mocca float aja 😆, klo jam siang suka byk ank sekolah SMP maupun SMA ,
israji adjie (23/03/2018 09:08)
good recomended
Anxious Night Sky (10/09/2017 13:03)
Decent for an KFC store.. The space itself is quite large. But, there are limited seats. The plus is there is place for kids to play..
Sanny Mega (10/01/2017 14:34)
It's kinda good place for family