About Asia Toserba
Asia Toserba is an electronics store, located at Jl. Raya Rajapolah - Tasikmalaya No.327, Kahuripan, Cihideung, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 46126, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 265 2352245 for more detailed information.
Solihin SF55
" Nice "
31 August 2020Agunk Supriatna
" Good "
27 August 2020Eka Rahman
" Good place "
02 August 2020Yube Willanda
" They have ranges of things to buy there. Very large selection of everything. Comfort too, but if you're using car, not sure where is the convenient place to park. I usually come there using motorcycle "
12 July 2020??? ????
" Nice supermarket with foodcourt. "
04 March 2020" "
04 January 2020Rony Suleman
" One of best department store in garut. "
21 October 2019Dimas Lesmana
" Not a bad place to shopping "
27 August 2019Come Here
" This is a good place for everything you wont "
26 June 2019Ismail Ihsan
" Ok "
12 June 2019Samuel Dyson
" Find something different with a good cheap "
23 May 2019Aa Sepz
" I loved this stores and would recommend this to friends and family. "
07 April 2019Neneng Hildayanti
" Good public facilities.... nice place to spend time with family or friends... "
11 March 2019Doni HD
" All your daily needs is right here, lower price than anyother stores, you can get 1% discount in supermarket and 10% discount in fashion store with member card. And theres also a foodcourt too in 4th floor if I'm not mistaken there are lots of menus. And it's the first big store in Garut "
20 October 2018Erwin Iskandar
" Parkirannya kecil, hampir selalu penuh.
02 May 2018Tapi urusan harga barang-barang di sini boleh di adu. Murah-murah harganya "
Sarah Wirdya
" Murah bangeet disini "
30 April 2018Amazing Trip - Panorama
" Good place for shopping fadhion, supermarket, foodcourt. "
08 April 2018Yulia Hastomo
" Nice place all u need u can find it "
03 April 2018Ratu Tsamarah Kusumaning Ayu
" The price is relatively cheaper, not all products can be found here but it's a good place for those who don't use uncommon products for daily use. "
03 April 2018Fahry Abdul Fanny
" Best place to grocery shop. The cheapest place in town "
30 March 2018Papa Haidar Ziyad Hutasuhut
" Good location, complete products, cheaper prices and there is a Nice Hotel to be reserved in one stop "
23 March 2018Teni Hadiyani
" The prices of goods are the cheapest one in this city, but the space is so narrow sometimes I need to excuse every person I pass. Overall it is good "
13 March 2018Momy Elsara
" Shooping yuuu.. "
04 March 2018Wida Kurnia
" One of some supermarket in Garut, i really like this place because the price is really good at here in daily need goods "
14 February 2018Pendi Kary
" Best place to find cheaper things in this town. If u come in the weekend, the consumer so crowded. It is easy to recognize this place from road or maps. "
14 December 2017Ajrul Mahbub
" The cheapest place to buy grocery in Cirebon. "
21 November 2017T M
" Suka sekali dengan Toserba Asia yang sekarang, tempatnya enak, barangnya murah meriah, foodcourt nya nyaman, belanjanya nyaman, ada roti o lagi sekarang..
07 November 2017Suka sekali dan recommended.. "
Denisa Putri
" Kalo ada pegawai yang lagi istirahat tidak ada yang menggantikan sehingga pembeli harus menunggu hingga jam istirahat mereka selesai terutama untuk spg brand kosmetik "
02 November 2017Andis Muhammad
" Now's Asia dept store is great place to hang out! "
29 October 2017Anni Rachmayani El-Baari
" A place for you to shop with a cheap price, there is a food, drink, vegetables, fruits, clothes, books, make-up, etc. "
24 October 2017Anton Lasdianto
" Local big convenience store. Price is moderate. "
09 October 2017Itmam Muhamad Fadilah
" Kalo mau belanja bulanan lebih prefer ke sini sih, lumayan harganya agak lebih murah dikit kalo dibanding toserba lain.
18 September 2017Sekarang lagi ada renov, semoga jadi lebih baik dah 💆💆 "
Mohammad Aziiz
" Murah murah "
16 September 2017Ferra Mayasari
" Right across the street. Within a busy street at garut, no parking lot for cars, so many becaks and horse carriage, very crowded outside. But u can shop ur daily needs at asia toserba. "
08 September 2017Andria Ria
" Belanja disini murah meriah...ga bikin dompet KOREDAS!!!😀😀😀 "
02 September 2017Osa Aldi
" tata letaknya gonta ganti terus ,jadi ga hafal2 dimana tempat makanan dimana tempat susu ,di mana tempat kue kaleng "
29 August 2017Asgar Watter
" Swalayan tata letak di tengah kota garut dengan pasilitas pull segala macam ada "
23 July 2017Fenny Silvianti
" Foodcourt nya tmbh nyman bnyk yg nongkrong skrng, untk mrket d pisah food dan non food hnya sja renovasi blum bres smua dan lagi tidak adanya tmpat parkir untuk mobil agk menyusahkn "
18 July 2017Claudya Wijaya
" Located in the city center the1st to 3rd floor is a supermarket and the 4th and 5th floor is a hotel "
14 July 2017Kristianto Witono
" Small department store, hotrl & resto "
30 June 2017Imas Siti Nurhasanah
" Semakin lengkap aja "
23 June 2017Ardi Aman Jaya
" Murah "
09 June 2017Virni Maulani
" Harga lebih murah "
09 June 2017Revy Cahya Alamsyah
" salah satu mall yang banyak dikenal masyarakat garut.. "
20 April 2017Gitri Siswantini
" Tempatnya kecil, tapi barangnya lengkap, harganya juga bersaing. Tapi di bagian fashion kurang space buat pembeli lihat*, kebanyakan barang yang di tumpuk. "
10 April 2017Uli Mashuri
" Cheap, reasonable price "
04 April 2017Miji Sutisna
" Cheap Place to buy groceries and night to spend. "
04 March 2017Aben Djamien
" Nice place to shop "
03 February 2017Riyanto Richfields
" One of the few places in Downtown Cirebon that offers cozy hotel and supermarket at one spot. "
05 November 2016Iezt Winter
" Nice place and quite comfy "
30 October 2016Haryadi D Utomo
" All you need for home appliance, fashion, foods & beverage, and sauces can be found here "
21 October 2016DIALIRA
" Super Market especially for cheap and great quality for house tools, cloth, vegetables, fruit, meat and there's a video arcade for children. Large parking spot. "
25 August 2016Dwija Putra
" Tempat shopping. Dilantai 3 ada yempat makannya juga. Harga pakaian disini masih bersahabat "
19 August 2016Anton Rifco
" Mallnya rame, padahal ga ada yg bisa dilihat. "
09 August 2016Andy Setyawan
" Good "
21 July 2016Arsya Ridwan
" Good place to shop "
19 July 2016Liya Zhoe
" Asia, yeaa "
" Cukup lengkap "
26 January 2016Ary Garmana
" Pusat perbelanjaan utama kota Garut "
20 May 2015Abdul Rahman
" Belajaan dapur yg lengkap "
21 September 2014