Komentar :
Dri Agung sujud sumadri (04/01/2018 07:54)
Gojek Bandung (13/11/2017 02:23)
Kurang bagus
Ridwan Adisurya (24/06/2017 14:36)
Good experience from the polite security guard that help me from parking to taking in the right queue.
The administration service is fast, they explain the term clear, no hold up if we have every requirement ready.
What really a nightmare is the term we got for asking for a credit, it really is a one sided term, much worse/strict than several years back.
But the term unfortunately is the same in every credit finance, so can't really blame adira for it.
OneDayTrip OTD (14/06/2017 08:24)
Always crowded. So many customer.
Muhammad Izza (22/07/2016 18:46)
Could be better
arnurdin (14/06/2017 08:24)
Always crowded. So many customer.
ady saputro (14/02/2016 08:03)
salah lokasi