Komentar :
Sukmawati Amandit (10/05/2018 03:34)
Well, udah beberapa kali kesini tp baru hari ini pelayanannya sedikit mengecewakan.. masnya pms kah? Wkwk
Nuxious CDN (04/03/2018 16:36)
Kenapa katsu hotplate ramen ny ko ngga ad saus lada hitam... Sya kdua kali ny ksna petma kali enak trus dtang lgi kdua klinya knpa penyajian ny ko beda rasany yg masak masih baru atau lupa... Saya dsajikan cuma ramen kering doang ngga ada saus lada hitam ny... Trus sya minta sma pegawai ny dsna ini ngga ada saus ny ko kering gini pegawai malah ambil air biasa. Mau mnikmati mkanan malah jdi apes rasany makan dsna (ichiban sushi duta mall)... Jdi males mau kesana lgi.... Sya mau nyaran kan saja bila dsajikan ke tamu diliat dlu apa yg kurang di cek betul2 dliat betul2 teliti baru dsajikan ke tamu sma bila tamu tanya atau minta sesuatu jgn langsung ke belakang didengar2 benar apa yg dmnta tamu.
Eky Pratama (02/01/2018 00:14)
I went here with friends and family last night and we ordered few dishes. I was stunt, as there were no crucial main raw ingredients such as fresh salmon, and tuna, which turned the mood down, literally no fresh sushi, and sashimi, as we came there only for sushi and sashimi.
The service was extremely slow, took literally over 30 minutes for a single sushi dish, and once the dish is served, the quality was horribly bad, they weren't fresh at all. However, the staff were very friendly and polite, which is a plus point here.
I understand that it was a public holiday and long weekend, so it will be very busy during the time. However, the manager in charged should take the crucial ingredients availability seriously, as this is the core business, and he/she failed to do this, which makes the restaurant looks bad, and unprofessional.
I hope that you could improve the kitchen staffs performance and its food quality, and I am looking forward to come back again.
Thank you.
Ahda Aulia (10/07/2017 14:47)
Oksidian Tafly (18/09/2016 08:06)
The first and only sushi restaurant in South Borneo as far as I know.