Komentar :
Taripar Aripin Samosir (04/06/2018 12:20)
Since March 2018 has been transformed into Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung or well known as "IAKN Tarutung". There are three faculties and one postgraduate will provide higher education of Christian religion here. The challenges in the future is to empower the entire academic community to join hand on hand to serve all students with the best quality and professional.After I finished my PhD study will commit to form a study center as a forum for lecturers to examine and find various solutions needed by the community, especially those related to issue of religious tolerance.
Nola Kabeaka (26/07/2017 13:19)
Tidak di ragukan lagi
Rych Emrycho (27/12/2016 01:14)
Perguruan Tinggi untuj mendidik orang orang yang ingin mendalami ilmu kekristenan dan menyebarkan nya ke seluruh penjuru dunia.
Kevinponsel Channel (25/12/2015 18:04)
Calon guru agama
Anthony Hutapea (16/04/2015 07:48)
Hutauruk, Hutagurgur
Sahadat Simanjuntak (25/12/2015 18:04)
Calon guru agama