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Rumah Makan Pak Haji Munir 1 (Permanently Closed)


About Rumah Makan Pak Haji Munir 1 (Permanently Closed)

Rumah Makan Pak Haji Munir 1 (Permanently Closed) is a restaurant, located at Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Tambak Sari, Jambi Sel., Kota Jambi, Jambi 36122, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 17

Ngf Operations

" One of great choice restourant in town especially in jambi city. This restaurant serves kind of west sumatera flavor. you might not regret if you wanna try this one. Feel it and your hungry will release immediately 😀 "

09 May 2018

Jeny Kwok

" Love their rendang & jengkol. Price wise, I think it’s affordable "

04 December 2017

Dini Kustyawan

" Vast parking space, fast services, so-so for food "

27 November 2017

Supryanto Said

" Ayam kampungnya mantap "

02 October 2017

Emzo Sati

" The Rendang is very delicious, different with the other rendang that I ever taste. "

27 September 2017

Andi Irawan

" Makanannya enak, rasa rendangnya khas bgt dan kerupuk jangek atau kulit sapi disiram kuah rendang jadi ciri khas ditmpt ini. Tapi daging rendangnya sedikit keras dibanding rendang di rumah makan lain, mungkin karena masaknya lama supaya tahan lama kalau dibuat oleh2. Untuk harga lumayan mahal, saran saya cek isi dompet sebelum makan disini 😊. "

30 June 2017

Andry Sj

" Good places to taste Famous Rendang menu
Crowded in Lunch time..
Price considered expensive compared to similar restaurant "

19 June 2017

Hanz Tanujaya

" Probably the best place to eat rendang (meat covered with sauce, specialty from West Sumatra). Rendang Price is higher compared to other Padang restaurants but worth it. DO NOT ORDER OTHER MENU, Rendang is the only great food from this place, others only so-so "

16 June 2017

Rizki Topanda

" Rendang terlezat... termasuk salah satu rumah makan padang yang murah meriah... "

05 June 2017

Ajeng Galuh W

" Rasa rendangnya dari dulu ampe sekarang TOP, Harga yang berubah :) "

15 May 2017

Gigeh Dirta

" Fast service "

06 May 2017

Dora Bunga

" Rendangnya juaaara "

01 May 2017

Jet Jaket

" Rendangnya enak "

04 April 2017

Yoggi Only

" Tempatnya ramai, harganya juga murah.
Disini ada saung nya juga loh. "

12 March 2017

Ruri Efendi

" Pelayanannya cepat dan menu spesialnya Rendang Bebek. "

26 February 2017

Adef Charlie

" Rumah makan dengan sajian khas rendang yang istimewa. Tersedia aneka jus minuman. Cocok buat menjamu rekan bisnis atau makan siang bersama kerabat/keluarga. Tempatnya nyaman, luas dan ada nuansa outdoor.. "

25 March 2016

Alung Yandi

" mantap rendang nya "

16 August 2015

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