Komentar :
Bunga Mardhotillah (08/04/2018 19:08)
Pusat perbelanjaan dg lokasi strategis. Sering kasih discount. Buat yg punya kartu MCC bisa dpt voucher belanja yg berguna bgt, apalagi pas lebaran, hehehe. Matahari dept.store ini Satu gedung sama novita hotel n pizza hut. Kalo mau ke toko tropi n mandala jg deket. Sejengkal, hehhehe. Kalo mau jalan lg ada malioboronya jambi, arah k terminal rawasari.
Aulia ulfa (26/03/2018 09:36)
Love to shopping
Ay Ang (05/03/2018 02:57)
Best choice for window shopping haha...
ardy trisyono (02/03/2018 06:41)
Branded sale
Kitri Widaretna (01/10/2017 14:37)
Smaller than other Matahari's mall. However, the visitors quiet enjoy this place..