Komentar :
Ikhrom Irfansyah (26/06/2020 10:00)
They couldn't fix my bike coz the parts is quite hard to get so I've decided to take my bike back but the owner is very helpful and fun to talk with and they sale bike's accessories quite complete with a very competitive price so...it's not a total loss to went there.
Sandra Indah (11/01/2020 18:54)
Order gojek masa paket nya sepeda gede lagi GK punya otak Luh Bangsatttt mau untung gede bayar murah ...
Andreas Martin (03/03/2019 09:33)
Seller is friendly and having a good knowledge on bikes.
Great bike comes with great price.
aBiiatick Qurtubi (01/11/2018 09:18)
Eny Yuniar (18/08/2018 07:19)
Available for service too
Ruly Christiono (27/10/2016 09:20)
My city my story
ifdha irfan (02/10/2019 16:01)
ga bagus pelayanan yg ditoko sebelah kanan
iman kuman (04/05/2018 15:03)
maaf.. mau tanya apakn benar toko ini menyedian keridititan.. makasih.
Suprianto Adi (11/04/2018 00:57)
Lumayan komplit
Sunar (10/03/2018 12:15)
No telepon gak jelas, bukan no telp toko sepeda sumber jaya, saya telpon niat hati menanyakan ready stock speda malah dijawab "BUKAN SALAH SAMBUNG"... NOT RECOMENDED LAH.
Aldrin Irsyarasyid (28/01/2018 08:19)
Nilai plusnya, Bisa tuker tambah sepeda!
Deon Blueoceon (13/11/2017 04:12)
Bisa kridit sepeda
heru jp (08/04/2017 08:41)
Bisa tukar tambah