Komentar :
denny arrimaayah (23/04/2018 00:14)
Youngky Juragan 9 (29/03/2018 14:43)
Amry Syaawalz (16/03/2018 22:36)
Good services
SUKASUKA CHANNEL (09/03/2018 13:37)
Pom HK
Mahesa Alwi (27/02/2018 01:15)
Rather dirty and whatnot,but accurate gas filling and nice real-tank nitrogen wheel-filling.
abarrul ikram (25/02/2018 02:46)
Crowded not ordered clumsy...
Melodytyawan Ody (26/08/2017 02:35)
"Bright" convenience store has been closed but they added more ATM machine (BNI & CIMB Niaga are available here). The sell no pertamax turbo, only premium (the subsidized one, RON 88), pertalite (RON 90), pertamax (RON 92), and Pertamina Dex (for diesel engined vehicle) available here.