Komentar :
Ramadhania Kirana (23/06/2017 00:36)
Seru, gurunya baik baik banyak temenyađź’™
Lenovo Budihci (13/05/2017 00:31)
Nice place to studying but too expensive
Everli Erwadi (11/05/2017 02:08)
Tempat kursus inggris anak gue..bagus uk speak english very gud very well
Kurnia HAri (25/03/2017 09:05)
les bahasa inggris dgn staff pengajar berkualitas
Alifaldo Putra (10/06/2016 02:23)
This is the place where i learn english languanges. This place make me comfort, but i dont know why this place so comfort. The fee to course at there is not so cheap and not so expensive too. I have been studied in hear since i was junior high school. The teachers are very kind at all. This is place where i find new friends from many different school