Komentar :
gunawan anggoro (08/01/2020 14:41)
repairs carried out immediately well and professionally
Rudy Mulja Rukmana (18/09/2019 05:24)
Right place to find LG electronic spare parts
Henry Widjojoarto (01/08/2019 08:27)
Very Good service from the staff
edot edu (20/02/2019 17:42)
Very helpfull..thanks!
Etto Morcky (20/02/2019 09:39)
Good services, even you can make appointment if you can not take your stuff during the daylight when they are still open, they gave you chance to take it at night time.
Mohammad Zamroni (04/08/2018 06:38)
You can repair your LG mobile phone and electronics here. The people are nice and polite.
B Budiono (27/05/2018 09:41)
The service is great. Always explaining what is the problem and provides options before the customer decide to fix the device
Adi Djajaprawira (27/08/2017 16:47)
Good after sales service from LG Indonesia. Not so crowded like the one in the city.
Randy Liu (18/09/2018 04:12)
Good and quick service
Andi Sulistiono (02/06/2018 08:11)
Lokasi sangat strategih di pusat kota bintaro, pelayanan n antrian juga sangat rapi dan nyaman, bisa service segala produk LG dsni, juga jual sparepart resmi LG, yg di sayangkan area parkirnya sangat sempit...
Satria Darma (14/05/2018 06:45)
Ahmar Malik (06/05/2018 11:43)
Very nice staff and good up to date service
khafidzudin abrori (10/04/2018 06:30)
Hendra Wijaya (18/02/2018 11:53)
Very fast service
Herie Coemie (16/01/2018 04:52)
The Hokpoo (21/10/2017 05:05)
Cool place
A. Rosyid (23/11/2017 04:37)
Mau service hp IC eMMC yg rusak suruh ganti mainboard hadeeeh 1jt lebih. Lah harga hpnya 800rb.
Rizki Ayu Ramadhana (27/09/2017 00:13)
Lokasi mudah dicari. Tempat nyaman. Satpam ramah dan sangat helpfull. Ruang tunggu nyaman. Pelayanan cepat.
Agustiana Zhen (08/08/2017 03:59)
eric bayuputra (25/06/2017 01:24)
Petugas nya ramah ramah
Rama Raditya (14/06/2017 00:42)
Comfortable and fast service
Comic thieves (20/05/2017 07:42)
Kenapa di Karawaci gk ada? Padahal disitu lebih strategis... Deket sama Mall2 lain, di tangsel Kejauhan...
Shuichi Osawa (14/05/2017 14:42)
開店時間は8時半、これは修理サービス開始時間の話です。2階のサービスカウンターは9時半との案内、9時過ぎには受付開始してました。何かLG製品のオプション物品を買う場合、3階のセールスと言う名の小窓へどうぞ。こちらは10時開店のようです。ここは純正商品であっても在庫してない製品が多く、訪れても空振りの可能性も十分に考えられます。携帯のオプションについて、全てはera phoneと言う携帯ショップへ問い合わせて欲しいと伝えられます。もし何かLG製品のオプション品を買う場合、急ぎでなければインターネットショッピングを介し、オンライントランスポーテーションと協力関係のある業者をを使った方が遥かに安く確実です。その場合、模倣品にお気をつけ下さい。
Brian Rinaldi (13/05/2017 06:39)
Lokasi cukup strategis, pelayanannya juga oke. Karyawannya juga ramah.
Nini Febriani Aziz (18/04/2017 15:59)
parkir susah,tempat pelayanan juga kurang okeh
Sandy Ridwansah (04/04/2017 03:19)
Knapa ya di daerah lippo karawaci ga ada lg service center nya...bintaro kejauhan
Hendra Kurniawan (20/03/2017 03:53)
Antrian sepi dan tidak melayani service barang LG yg beli di luar negeri
Legimin Fernando (09/02/2017 03:45)
LG Svc center Tangerang tempatnya bagus dan mudah dijangkau