Komentar :
Ismu Yusro (16/04/2018 05:33)
Masih sepi jg nih taman.
yuliani nurjamin (13/04/2018 11:07)
Good place
den shanz (18/03/2018 02:53)
Home property
Eko Prasetyo S (27/02/2018 00:15)
Pilihan tepat utk olahraga santai
Arya Fauzan (26/02/2018 06:56)
Joging track, danau
Shuichi Osawa (17/01/2018 12:42)
Athallah Arsyaf (28/03/2017 13:27)
There's virtually nothing here. Its actually a shame because the size of this park is quite large yet there's so little to do. Unlike its predecessor; Kebayoran Park, Discovery Park is not maintained as much. You might be able to run around the lake (jog and such) and take a picture in the Discovery logo but other than that there's nothing here. Virtually nothing. Not even people. There are some trees but they are still undergrown hence it does not give an impression of the park at all. The lake itself is man made so its not that interesting either. I believe there is a parking spot placed in each side of this park which is always empty and there's also dedicated entrances so you might not be able to enter just anywhere due to the fences. This park is free and open to the public.
Viking Wahyudi (16/09/2017 06:06)
Sejuukkk Nuansa Alami
lazuardi muttaqien (12/09/2017 01:00)
Perumahan cukup tenang dengan tata kelola yg asri dan bersih
Alfajri Fajri Ari (26/07/2017 16:37)
Tempatnya ngak terlalu rame aman dari semuany
Irwan Culay (10/06/2017 07:13)
X mcdonald pada kumpul disituhhh...ex,culay
Ronalds (28/07/2015 04:31)
Perumahaan yg tertata