Komentar :
Wita Pratiwi (04/09/2020 09:52)
reliable doctor, extraordinarily reliable
nurse for extraordinary care,
but very disappointed sm nurses and doctors on duty in the icu / hcu room
The one who I know is the recovery room, after the op, but what I get is in a noisy situation, doctors / nurses talk to each other at high volume, some are on video calls, even eat together while laughing, the family can't enter, the reason for the patient can rest,
but outside icu, all kind and professional
thank you RSIA Amanat ????????????????????????
Rizal Darmanto (31/08/2020 05:08)
apparently I chose the wrong hospital ..
Sofia Alesha (09/08/2020 10:26)
The service is very good, the doctors and nurses are very friendly, kind and patient????????
Widya Octasari (11/06/2019 02:38)
Pelayanan yang sangat mengecewakan. Cara antri pendaftarannya tidak beraturan.
Muchsin Syafli (09/04/2019 07:36)
penangana untuk ibu yg akan melahirkan cepat dan konsultasi dokter juga ada
Reski Rahab (22/02/2019 01:43)
The doctor was kind and helpful. She examined the patient, my wife in this case, carefully and thoroughly.
Ayhu Ayhuu (19/09/2018 05:24)
Vitta Erawadi (31/05/2018 05:01)
Rumah Sakit Bersalin sudah bekerja sama dengan BPJS. Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, dan bagus.
anchie afreza (01/11/2017 03:05)
Rumah bersalin yang sangat recomended, tempat bersih,nyaman,perawat2nya sangat ramah dan juga dokter ahli yang sangat berpengalaman..
Percayakan Kelahiran serta kesehatan putra putri anda diRSIA Amanat Makassar
Mirna Wati (15/06/2019 09:14)
Tidak memuaskan
qq thahir (03/11/2017 10:01)
Tempat melahirkan Iqra, anak kedua. Fasilitas dan layanan tenaga kesehatan amat memuaskan. Tempatnya tidak besar namun nyaman dan tenang. Diampu oleh salah satu dr. Obgyn terbaik di sulawesi selatan.
rahmat sisila (11/05/2018 12:29)
Salahsatu RSIA terbaik di Makassar...