Komentar :
Yudistira Ramadhani (21/04/2018 07:55)
The best pallubasa in town!!!
Khairul Umam (16/04/2018 00:46)
Great taste of Makassar. Everybody should try this and compare it with the other one.
Firda Amalia Haeruddin (08/04/2018 11:58)
Good place for Makassarnese traditional culinary, actually! Very recommended to you who loves food especially for meat. Even have a same substance with Coto, but the taste of Pallubasa a bit different. Challenge yourself to taste this one!
candra istianto (15/03/2018 08:03)
first time in Makassar and try this traditional food. taste is gooood. yummy 😋
otnaicus oyrus (08/01/2018 09:57)
IMO best pallubasa in the city. Tastier broth and better meat. If youre a fan of meat soups then trying this is a must