Pit Stop & Coffee Stop
About Pit Stop & Coffee Stop
Pit Stop & Coffee Stop is a car wash, located at Jl. Raya Pati - Purwodadi, Grobogan, Kec. Grobogan, Kabupaten Grobogan, Jawa Tengah 58152, Indonesia
Pit Stop & Coffee Stop is a car wash, located at Jl. Raya Pati - Purwodadi, Grobogan, Kec. Grobogan, Kabupaten Grobogan, Jawa Tengah 58152, Indonesia
Tamam Udin
" Lagi nggarap motor malah detinggal lunga
06 June 2018Ngasi ngenteni suee..
Paraahh kie montire
Ora rekomendasi neng kene Lahh mnding liane bae. "
Matt B
" Would have put no stars if possible. Canggu pit stop charged my credit card twice for 1 meal. Showed them the "mistake", they refused to acknowledge or give back the second payment that they put through on my card. All attempts to rectify the situation were answered with "we check our bank, you come tomorrow" . Came back twice, even with my Balinese driver who couldn't even make sense of what they were saying. I give up. Burger was average, beef patty well undercooked. Save your money and go somewhere else "
15 May 2018иван баринов
" Fresh and tasty burgers. Good wifi. Thats place avege me much times.. behind partys,) they finish abuot 11.. "
24 April 2018Pable The Fable
" I have tried plenty of burger places around Indonesia and I have to say no place has beaten Pit Stop.
23 April 2018The burgers come in differents types, though each one is equally good. These burgers are juicy, filling, and quickly made.
The place is nice and open, and the staff are friendly.
Overall highly recommend it. Try the rosemary lamb if you ever visit. "
Vencearis Setiawan
" Cuci oli dulu "
12 April 2018Rahma Dani
" Mantapppp "
01 April 2018Ben Sand
" Its offensive when burger places cook their burgers late at night thinking that everyone is either wasted or high. I was neither, just hungry. The burger was so incredibly salty, there was no flavour in the meat, it was overcooked, soggy, there were about 11 fries. I'm not kidding. If you want a great, great burger in Bali go to Wacko Burger.. the only problem is they don't stay open late. This was a disaster. "
28 February 2018Sapri Simamora
" Bagus. Perlu di tingkatkan lagi "
28 January 2018Made Panter
" Bengkel sepeda motor,ganti oli dan variasi,layanan lumayan bagus . "
17 January 2018Aprilia Sari
" Couldn't say anything else except it was pornfood. Their burgers was delicious! And it was reasonable price too. Definitely will stop by for the carnivore burger 🍔 when I'm around! "
03 January 2018Jhoni Eneste
" Lumayan "
24 December 2017Jackie Tian
" Professional car wash "
18 November 2017Yulius Yuniaro Zebua
" Indah "
" 很不一样很汽车美容店 "
23 September 2017Handri Warianto
" Car wash with cafe "
15 August 2017Sandro Alberto
" Car wash yg keren "
11 August 2017Pendik Saputro
" Pelayanan lama sekali. Toilet bersih dan luas. Ada mushola. Tempat cukup luas tapi berisik oleh musik, suara dari dapur dan celotehan pengunjung. Rasa makanan dan minuman biasa saja. "
30 June 2017Muhammad Reza Aldila Putra
" That good place for carwash and cozy place to wait.. "
07 June 2017Marlie Soedekdo
" Makanan dan minuman lumayan enak, cocok buat cuci mobil sekalian makan siang.... "
20 May 2017Pandy Sgn
" Mantap "
18 May 2017Usman Mabrur Siregar
" Pelayannya ramah2, dan memuaskan. "
14 April 2017Johnnew Sibarani
" Pitstop hanya berjarak 1 rumah dari dianavideo "
24 March 2017Maya Hendy
" Good food cozy place 😁😁 "
14 March 2017Andi
" Cozy "
03 March 2017Ayudya Saint
" Asyiiikk bwt nongkrong sambil nungguin mobilnya dicuci..keren lah.. "
26 February 2017Bambang Brimop
" Profesional "
15 February 2017Arifin Harahap
" Mantap "
15 February 2017Ary Aditya
" Vietnam Spring Roll 👏👍👍 "
02 February 2017Ken Ayu
" gmw "
25 January 2017Hafidh Ndkk
" Bagus "
17 January 2017Muhammad Arifin
" Tempat cucian mobil di Kota Padangsidimpuan dengan fasilitas yang cukup "
27 October 2016Baringin Silalahi
" Cuci mobil
27 September 2016Bersih nd memuaskan "
Jimmy Hutagalung
" Car Wash and Detail. "
05 August 2016Daulay Ramadhan
" Nyaman "
08 July 2016