Komentar :
Clint R (15/02/2018 08:38)
Clean, normally has premium, unlike the next Pertamina in Tanah Lot. More amenities than most other Pertamina, mini-mart and small restaurant, water for coolant, ATM, clean toilets. Attendants speak enough English to keep the gas pump queue moving.
Krisna Seraphim (14/09/2017 12:47)
Very good
Isays Sampesule (09/09/2017 07:57)
Good service
Gojek Dpsg0239 (29/06/2017 13:32)
Paul Francis Kacin (16/04/2017 01:06)
Great service.
Agus Prianto (21/03/2017 01:09)
Well, I went here for ATM mostly, and also for the minimart.
Putra Minang (27/08/2017 14:13)
Plyanan bgus
Nanik Liana Wati (26/05/2017 11:10)
Buka 24 jam ..sngt membantu ..terutama didaerah yg relatif sepi kalau malam
Gusti Wijaya (14/04/2017 00:12)
ada mini mart 24 jam, toilette, dan dekat dgn ATM BNI
Bintang Permadi (31/03/2017 04:00)
Bagus sekali