Komentar :
Carola Bieniek (11/04/2018 02:48)
Large local produce market with tons of fruit, vegetables, fish and soy products on offer plus essentials for the house. It's better if you know the prices as some - not all! - of the vendors will mercilessly try and rip you off.
There's also a selection of sweets, desserts and snacks available.
Parking is 2,000 rupiahs for a scooter.
Giri Putra (02/02/2018 05:55)
Pasar oleh-oleh terbesar di Kabupaten Gianyar
JAYA POS (28/01/2018 03:11)
Sebagai daerah wisata, dari sisi kebersihan pasar ini masih terbilang kotor. Berhadapan dengan terminal Payangan, lokasi pasar.cukup strategis. Penataan dan kebersihan perlu diperhatikan. Gianyar gitu lho... đ
tulip tu (09/12/2017 09:20)
Totally local market.tasty food ,all kinds of fruits you can find here
grégory navis (26/11/2017 14:08)
MarchĂ© traditionnel balinais extĂ©rieur et intĂ©rieur sur 3 Ă©tages. Fruits, lĂ©gumes et vĂȘtements essentiellement.