Komentar :
Agustina Rajali (16/03/2018 07:26)
Tempatnya bagus... dekat jalan raya... kalau wisatawan yg beragama katolik bisa beribadah disini... dekat tempat wisata dan kuliner...ada jual oleh 2 khas Lembang...
Silver Surfer (22/01/2018 10:32)
This is a beautiful Catholics church, it was built in Balinese architecture... We went there because of the photos in the net but when we came there it was really beautiful... The statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is just beside the Church building...
Glorya Perry (28/08/2017 20:21)
Sangat luar biasa
okinawa post (19/03/2016 01:28)
ROHBiE LO (06/07/2015 01:16)
House of God St.Maria Immaculata
Made Totok (05/12/2017 13:11)
Gereja Katholik dengan ornamen bangunan style Bali.
Made Deni (03/11/2017 22:52)
Bangunan Gereja yg digabung dengan arsitektur bali. 👍
Al Fredo (14/07/2017 16:46)
Petrus Angga Aditya Cahyono (07/04/2017 11:52)
Disinilah Rumah ku yg damai
Phillips Dewantoro (18/03/2015 08:25)
Bagus banget