Komentar :
Luxor Liric (31/05/2018 20:02)
Great place. Recommended.
Michael Schauer (20/05/2018 08:33)
Hot springs off the beaten track, mainly for locals. Requires facilities with privacy.
Bradley Montgomery (24/03/2018 04:42)
This place was awesome! The pools were nice and warm. The water coming out of the spouts was pretty hot. Probably slightly less hot than a hot tub. This place is small, so don't expect some kind of huge spring. It's the size of a small swimming pool. Best of all, it was off the beaten path so there weren't a hundred tourist in all our photos. Actually, there weren't any tourist there when we went on a Saturday around noon. Overall, I'd recommend it.
David Made (31/08/2017 10:05)
Very hot water in there and no tourist, only local.
Very good place and sheap price, only 10.000 rp for one
Olga Smékalová (21/06/2017 09:53)
totally worth it! location perfect, hot springs without tourists, only locals, entrance fee 10000 IDR for white guys ;)
Jonathan Hey (30/05/2017 07:06)
Drove down from the rice terraces to find a lukewarm tiny pool, I dipped my hand in and it was warmer outside of the pool. quite dissapointing, asked for money back but the grumpy woman refused. not recommended.
Ladislav Adámek (18/03/2017 14:38)
Very much of a local hot springs. There's usually not many foreigners if any. The changing rooms are pretty dirty and dark, so better come prepared already. The surroundings are beautiful!
goren fang (22/11/2017 14:13)
Belulang Hot Spring..salah satu tempat permandian dengan air panas alami dimana panas airnya terbilang cukup panas..terdiri dari beberapa pancuran..sekitar 6 pancuran..satu buah kolam kecil dengan satu buah pancuran dan sebuah kolam berukuran kira kira 2meter x 5meter dengan kedalaman 1,5meter.Penduduk lokal banyak yang datang mandi untuk memohon kesembuhan dengan menghaturkan canang sari dan dupa.Airnya mengalir dari mata air panas yang terletak di areal pura yang dikeramatkan.Permandiannya terletak di area terbuka dengan panorama persawahan yang cukup mempesona..sayang fasilitas kamar gantinya kurang terjaga kebersihannya sehingga menimbulkan rasa agak risih.
Live in Bali Жизнь на Бали (25/03/2017 05:59)
Потрясающее место. Вода очень горячая в ванночке, а в бассейне-тёплая. Практически нет туристов. Вход -10000 рупий плюс парковка 5000р. Вода обладает исцеляющим эффектом