Komentar :
Wiku Sunda Laras (13/04/2018 12:08)
The quality of the foods has decreased
Putu Mayang (20/02/2018 13:59)
Best nasi TO in town. Delicious and authentic taste. Very simple menu but very tasty. They sell only nasi TO and gorengan with small place. But everybody are know this delicious nasi TO. Price is very very cheap. If you go with a car, you must park at another building.
Gebyar Ahadiakbar Gustianadireja (07/02/2018 07:48)
legend nih tutug oncom!
Adit pratamazeqha (19/10/2017 15:05)
Kalo gue laper malam2.tnggal buka rolling trus jalan kaki dechh.. hahaha manttaappp jiwa TO..
Dwi Arin Fajriyani (31/07/2017 01:24)
Makanan sederhana dengan rasa yang lezat namun harga ekonomis. Serta bisa menjadi pengganjal perut ketika tengah malam merasa lapar