Komentar :
Ranggi Rahman (10/05/2018 11:02)
yosihara bae (04/05/2018 13:19)
Air luancar banget
Meja belajar
Didik Nugroho (04/03/2018 12:36)
Bersih, aman
Salma Rizkya (27/08/2017 06:42)
Kamarnya bagus, air lancar, listrik token, murah, bagusss deh
Muhammad Nur Abdillah (30/05/2017 20:45)
Bangunan baru, masuk gang, tapi bisa bawa kendaraan
Novya Sabrina (17/06/2016 08:51)
It's kinda expensive though for a sorority house. The room is small, and it's not including the electric cost on it.
Novia Rahantoknam (17/06/2016 08:51)
It's kinda expensive though for a sorority house. The room is small, and it's not including the electric cost on it.