Komentar :
Euis Endang CN (19/11/2017 09:01)
Surga wifi gratis, tempat nongky, fasilitas kelas mantaf jiwa. Lab kapasitas 40 orang dengan 41 unit komputer nyala semua, kelas digital, rapor sudah online, termasuk perwalian, jadwal pilih sesuka waktumu, tugas bisa dicicil sebelum deathline. Nope dosen killer, semua orang disini sangat ramah dan mengutamakan prinsip kekeluargaan. Kebersamaan, silaturahmi, serta gotong royong, pokonya kamu bisa menebus masa sma/smk membosankanmu hanya disini.
Agun Guntara (08/08/2017 23:24)
Solusi yang tepat kuliah di daerah sumedang
Muhamad Nurdin A. M. (27/12/2016 07:23)
Sebagai lulusan dari STMIK Sumedang, saya merasa bangga STMIK Sumedang lebih maju, semoga trend positif terus berlanjut.. Go a head..
Farhan Pramasta (03/11/2015 17:44)
My college life start here, it's cool bro!
Hasim Sofaruddin (22/11/2012 00:52)
This is my college, i think its good enough for you to study here if you are a in a middle-economic strata and want to 'taste' how a college life going.. ahahah.. its have 3 majors or in bahasa we call it "jurusan", they are: Information Technique (S-1), System Information (S-1) and Information Management (D-3). The Lecturers?? Hmm.. they cool! Not expert but.. they cool,,The Facilities?? Hmm.. its quite good.. a computers lab, toilet, classes, mushola, free WiFi ( a snailpower WiFi lol..), a not-too-big parking lot, cafeterias and many more..hope this help ya!!
Rama Aulia (27/12/2016 16:37)
Semoga sukses & berkah buat seluruh mahasiswa/i STMIK Sumedang. Amiin
Anime Nudicari (26/12/2016 11:11)
Bangga kuliah di kampus IT satu-satunya di sumedang 🤓