Komentar :
Tika Kartikasari (15/05/2018 01:52)
Serving a Sundanese menu such as gurame bakar and so on. It also popular with its sambal, made of raw tomato, chilli, onion and a bit shrimp paste/terasi.
Ridwan Satria (08/04/2018 03:35)
Good taste
Suju Vlog (11/03/2018 10:01)
Near from the street, spicy Cibiuk sauce but fresh and have a good taste.
edricfinn leonardi (23/02/2018 04:27)
The foods are fine. Mostly just sundanese cuisines
max fadil (26/07/2017 09:53)
The good Resto Sundanesse who to like a very hottest Sambal in Jatinangor.