Komentar :
Sovenny Maria (02/01/2020 21:41)
Yani Utama (30/11/2019 07:11)
The staff friendly, full wifi and good place..😁😁
asep sopiansyah (02/10/2019 08:24)
feelin' Great
Acev Gendoet (01/09/2019 06:34)
Nice place, nice service... Good job
Anggie Aziz (29/12/2018 08:40)
The service is good, waiting time is average for most of PHD. Parking has no issue, and located in a strategic place, overall it's good.
Krishna Soejitno (26/07/2019 05:49)
Unique in small town
Sandy Aru (19/04/2019 09:56)
They've good foods
Curcolnya Roni (25/03/2019 08:01)
Love the place. The service is great, the food is great.
Audie Christopher (22/11/2018 12:23)
Dine in is on the second floor, it is most of the time empty, and it has this bluetooth speaker that you can connect to and play your jams. Service was decent, however wifi didn't work (no connection)
Raisya Aprillia (23/09/2018 14:18)
good food with cozy place
and i love their delivery service
Nurhasanah Shi (11/08/2018 09:55)
Good place...
Acepaan Rohiman (28/04/2018 11:47)
Goodplace for spending time but there is not mushola
Badlan Bamon (23/04/2018 07:54)
Best place for buy pizza
miftha aulia (15/04/2018 06:05)
Different name's menu but the taste same (delicious)
Rere Heryani (09/04/2018 04:59)
Great place to visit when we are hungry.
Ghina Maryana (23/02/2018 03:00)
Cozy place with good service
Fajar Nugraha (12/02/2018 03:26)
Fajar aditya suryana (04/02/2018 16:32)
Just one
rudy syarif (10/01/2018 09:14)
Cozy place
Nova Dash (04/11/2017 04:10)
nice place...with a large parking lot
Ari Surya Nugraha (05/11/2017 10:34)
Buat penikmat pizza area sumedang ga perlu jauh lagi kalo mau makan pizza hut ga perlu kejatinangor,kini PHD buka di sumedang mantep sekali guys!!! Tempat yang nyaman pelayanan yang sangat ramah dan kualitas produk nya yang higenis 😊👍👍👍
Fitri Afriliyani (05/11/2017 09:24)
Tempat makan nu paling nyaman sareng pasti betah lami lami calik sareng mam pizza na dipizza hut delivery sumedang, sareng kasohor ku pelayanan sreng makananna nu enak tur ramah pelayananna,
jenny anjani putri (04/11/2017 22:57)
Tempat terbaru, ternyaman dan tercocok buat nongkrong-nongkrong bareng keluarga, teman & sahabat. Pulang sekolah, pulang ngantor atau istirahat kerja lapar? Bingung mau mkn dmn? Nihh recommended bgt guyss, pelayanan cepat tapi tepat dengan kualitas produk terbaik👍🏻ada fasilitas free Wifi bisa nongkrong sambil nugas plus ngemil-ngemil pizza jg nihh😁
acep herlan malik (04/11/2017 06:47)
Dengan pelayanan yang sangat baik dan ramah cepat pula, pokonya recomended untuk solusi lapar dan nongki buruan mampir teman teman ( anak zaman now nogngki cocoknya ya di phd 😊)
Debriansyah Ismail (30/08/2017 23:29)
Tempat ternyaman buat makan dan menikmati pizza