Komentar :
Mang Aceng (11/05/2018 05:36)
Mosque in nearby campus
The hall and the praying room are spacious and managable even during peak hour of friday prayer
It's has clean and well maintained toiled. The park near the mosque is really creating spacious and cool atmosphere
There are free food and tea after friday prayer which is really refreshing and also really helpful if you are on budget and you want small brunch after friday prayer 😁
This is a kind of mosque that i would visit every week
Jajat Rohmana (09/04/2018 06:02)
Spacious mosque, with walk-around park and serene atmosphere. Although the lavatory and wudlu (ritual absolve) located below the main flooring, it is healthy to climb a ladder or two. The wall are mostly glass and the front one (facing kibla) are giving impression of majestic feels, thus remind us to keep humble. Floor are polished wood, made our sole feel naturally at breeze.
Heruko Fatimah (24/03/2018 21:18)
Cozy place for relaxing and refreshing your mind 😁
Ega Kusuma (16/01/2018 02:25)
Great place for ummah
Rudiyana (23/08/2017 03:55)
very good
agus wahyu adianto (14/07/2017 04:03)
Tranquil mosque in the heart of Jatinangor
Dhifan H (10/11/2017 10:34)
Pilihan masjid yg bagus kalau kebetulan mau shalat di Jatinangor
The Forest Engineer (06/09/2017 07:17)
Masjid berteras kayu yang nyaman dengan angin sepoi-sepoi disisi kanan dan kirinya. Masjid dengan Ubi dan Teh gratis setelah shalat jumat. Masjid kampus yang asyik karena banyak program kegiatan pelayanan jamaah.
Muhammad Fakhri (14/08/2017 06:05)
Suasana nya nyaman
Henggar Budi (22/07/2017 06:22)
Masjid nyaman dan bersih, suasana juga sejuk. Ibadah jadi tenang.
nurul fathimah (22/07/2017 00:53)
Masjid yang nyaman seperti pada umumnya. Waktu ke sini pas shalat maghrib jadi tidak terlalu ramai. Tempat wudhu ada di lantai bawah. Shaf jamaah putri ada di lantai atas.
erwan matin (19/06/2017 07:46)
Mesjid yang besar dan nyaman, ada akses buat kursi roda
Muhammad Nur Abdillah (14/06/2017 13:03)
Seperti Salman ITB
sugi hartono (17/05/2017 01:39)
Singgah di masjid ini menentramkan jiwa dan raga pun menjadi segar kembali
Akhmad Hidayat (16/10/2016 07:47)
Mesjid baru dan besar...