Komentar :
hari juhara (20/07/2019 13:52)
Need more event.....
Mira. T. Makki (27/09/2018 09:23)
Good place for holyday. But too bad... Trash founded in several place.
Budi Janto (08/09/2018 13:34)
Here your eyes will be spoiled with a beautiful view, unfortunately now this place is like neglected.
Muhammad Reza Putra (23/01/2018 14:25)
Its cool place if you need to hang out with friend, family and everyone. Bcs this place give you a good view and a delicious food. I recomend for you guys!!!
Yugo P.W. Bagaskoro (13/01/2018 06:07)
It's recomanded for family.... It's a nice place and cool air but the facilities is regularly and maintains is not good
Ariya Sradha (11/01/2016 08:25)
Old big Villas, bad maintenance, need to renovate.. No A.C (sumedang is not too cool), sometime water heater is broken, old bad toilet, but they have nice city view.
Farin Gaming (27/09/2018 09:23)
Good place for holyday. But too bad... Trash founded in several place.
yugo bagaskoro (13/01/2018 06:07)
It's recomanded for family.... It's a nice place and cool air but the facilities is regularly and maintains is not good
Jajang Suryana (07/02/2018 05:31)
Good view...
Achmad Fachozin (09/12/2017 00:18)
It's a comfortable village with a Good view
Shabrina Ayu Margirizki (21/03/2017 18:23)
It's only a place with a good view. Was come here for lunch and the service was standard like other "old" restaurant do.
pwmantap junior (06/12/2017 06:55)
arraydi ady (20/10/2017 17:12)
Good place
Sumarno Sumarno (02/07/2017 02:57)
Need improvement in infrastructure to attract more tourist
Rizky M Akbar (30/06/2017 06:07)
Kolam renang kampung toga sumedang cocok untuk rekreasi sekeluarga, berbagai macam kolam ada di sana, dari kolam dewasa, kolam anak dengan seluncuran, dan kolam terapi ikan. Harga tiket pun dirasa sangat terjangkau, di hari biasa tiket per orang 15 ribu rupiah sedang kan dihari libur tiket per orang 25 ribu rupiah
Kismanto Subardi (26/06/2017 05:44)
Tempat nya JADOEL , Kurang keurus sarana kolam renang kotor . Tempat bilas ganti jorok . Sangat disayang kan dengan pemandangan sejuk nan asri jadi minus gara gara ada tempat wisata yg ga ke urus.
Faisal Ahmad (25/02/2017 04:25)
Renang, makan, nginap, alam, pemandangan, suasana sejuk jadi satu, mantaapp banget men, ini sesuatu yang super duper mega awesome!!
yazid faisal (04/01/2017 05:23)
Tempat parkir kecil, tempat tidak terpelihara dengan baik, Kolam renang banyak cuman tak terawat, kasir di bagian restoran aga sedikit cuek. Saung2 aga sedikit kotor.
Fajar Nugraha (25/12/2016 11:34)
Nice place...
Ayub Abas (14/10/2016 10:38)
Yang saya alami sudah lama.Disini pemandangan indah,terus keatas ada perkebunan teh.Di Lokasi;ada kolam renang,kolam ikan untuk dilihat-lihat.Makanan,ada pepes,goreng,bakar ikan segar dadakan dari kolam.
Indra Giri Supriatna (01/11/2016 22:19)
Seru lah pokoknya..
Renzu Almelo (15/07/2016 05:07)
Kolam renangnya kotor, fasilitas gak terawat,villanya serem, spreinya apek, kayanya belun di ganti2, banyak nyamuk, semut, kecoa, kalo malem berisik suara motor di luar.
Muhamad Ramdan (04/07/2016 05:37)
astrit nurasiah (13/04/2016 19:57)
sobur rohman (08/11/2015 05:01)