Komentar :
Ady Marlan (10/02/2020 17:55)
The best travel
wiksadana13 . (19/10/2019 01:41)
Comforable travel alternative with a very reasonable price
Fadhliyah Natsir (30/06/2019 09:01)
On time travel. Recommended
atik ambarwati (30/05/2019 04:07)
Reliable shuttle service for Bandung-Jatinanngor-Bandung. They schedule trips every 15-30minutes, with very affordable price.
Suroso Saja (17/03/2019 14:07)
Mur mer and so worthed
Fitri Nurul Falah (01/06/2019 05:53)
Not a huge place but the ticket is affordable
koff azsazsa (18/05/2019 18:22)
Ontime, one shuttle goes every half hour
Rexy Girsang (04/04/2019 03:08)
On time, clean, and good service.
Melly Fitriani (27/03/2019 01:04)
Dede Diah Novita (01/10/2018 16:57)
Comfy and ponctuel
Sanjaya Sofian (28/09/2018 10:58)
pool nya lumayan baik, walau terlihat sempit dan kurang bersih. kursi sebagian berupa kursi mobil, antara terkesan unik atau kurang berkesan baik..
Arya Wicaksana (19/07/2018 05:35)
Better than Arnes. 18.000
Gilang Ramadhan (25/04/2018 00:01)
Cooperative crew and always on time (without any traffic jam).
Moses Prasetio (20/04/2018 01:13)
Have some entertainment things like TV,wifi to use while waiting
Didi Supriyadi (31/03/2018 08:31)
Ok enjoy
Shannia Salma (18/01/2018 06:10)
Comfy seats and reasonable price. Their services is good too.
Irma Garnesia (06/01/2018 12:59)
Good travel, and they are cheaper that their competitors
Endy The (12/12/2017 17:47)
The best Jatinangor-Bandung shuttle for now. Pretty comfortable seat coupled with reasonable price
Yesaya Ferdinand (06/11/2017 00:38)
One of the leading travel service from Jatinangor to Bandung. Also has other destination choices, but Jatinangor-Bandung is its prominent service. Cheap price, friendly staff, great service overa.
Mukhamad Agung H (13/12/2017 15:21)
Tetap travel dengan longue terbaik di Jatinangor
Hindra Go (19/09/2017 21:40)
Superb service, friendly admin, on time schedule.
Andrean Taufik (25/07/2017 08:06)
Untuk yang ingin perginya terjadwal. Geulis adalah salah satu alternatif terbaik
MASOPIQ Perdana (31/05/2017 10:25)
Its good shuttle comfy and the waiting place was good
Irul Khoirullah (21/03/2017 10:36)
the facility would be better upgraded
Riyan Rismayana (14/03/2017 00:36)
Faster way option to Dipatiukur
Aditya Diveranta (18/02/2017 23:37)
Good travel instead of Arnes Shuttle which prioritize the comfy rather than the speed of the shuttle bus. If you're not really on a hurry, you should take this shuttle service rather than Arnes, it's cheaper too though.
Fadil Sube (25/11/2016 16:52)
Ruang tunggu yg nyaman, jalurnya bagus karena lewat depan unpad sehingga enak bagi mahasiswa unpad yang sering ke kampus dipatiukur
andri laksono (05/10/2016 07:22)
Mohommed Akram Elashi (25/09/2016 07:29)
Its a good travel agency, the buses are clean and comfortable. Ticket price is 18K. The only problem is that their last bus is at 10pm
Rian Andriansyah (22/08/2016 15:43)
Moda transportasi buat yang cape naik angkot or bosen naik damri. boleh dicoba walau harga lebih mahal dikit tapi cozy
wildan waliyuddin (04/04/2016 01:37)
Pilihan angkutan untuk ke Bandung dari Jatinangor. Meskipun harga lebih mahal dari Bus DAMRI, tetapi soal kenyamanan dan kecepatan lebih baik. Dan itu yang dicari banyak mahasiswa disana.
Rodliyathun Mardliyyah (06/03/2016 08:44)
tiap hari naik geulis, nyaman serasa mobil pribadi, duduknya pun terpisah karena kursinya satu satu. terimakasih geulis travel. sukses selalu yaa
Ardi Ardiyana (20/02/2016 12:17)
Recomended buat yang suka bulak balik Jatinangor Bandung.