Komentar :
Benny Okashii BALADA VLOG (10/07/2019 03:05)
Not bad hehe
QA (30/05/2019 15:13)
Subscription if you buy pure young coconut water. Also providing Kelapa Ijo. Ceu imas is jagooooooo pisan, choose coconut. For example, if you buy coconut water, request a lot of water and fruit, ehhh great pisan just like coconut is split as desired. If you request a young coconut, it is really chosen that the fruit is still young, bro. It was so professional and long-standing with coconut, to the extent that it had a lot of water, lots of meat, still young. Pokonya coconut water here is very good and the price is relatively cheap.
elma emilia (14/03/2019 10:53)
good ... thank you very much ...
Fans Upin Ipin Indonesia (14/08/2018 12:37)
Anita Jajang Dedi (12/02/2018 02:13)
Tempat langganan kalau beli air kelapa muda murni. Menyediakan juga Kelapa Ijo.