Komentar :
Dedi Sopandi Sofwan (22/12/2017 09:03)
De'Chick, salahsatu brand ayam goreng terkenal dengan ayam broiler pilihan, ukuran jumbo, ruangan nyaman dan bersih, jaminan halal, juru masak terlatih, harga relatif terjangkau, parkir cukup
Mohommed Akram Elashi (27/08/2017 15:58)
The food is trusted and tasty
Muhammad Nur Abdillah (23/06/2017 12:02)
Fast food
Arif Iskandar (26/07/2016 17:39)
KFC copycat, with better price....
Mohamad Noor Rizal (21/03/2016 06:33)
Best junk food all over the world