Komentar :
aep saepudin (19/03/2017 15:12)
Kopinya mantap, variannya banyak, tempatnya asik, harganya murah, pelayanan ramah..
Yus Gustiana (30/01/2017 05:32)
Varian menu kopi cukup lengkap... harga murah...
Muhammad Panji Azhar (23/11/2016 11:44)
Juan Carlos (19/08/2016 07:35)
One of the coffee shop in Jatinangor area that are most likely the most crowded and have good vibe. The smile on the waiter gives positive sentiment on this place. The coffee are so so but they surely try their best to give satisfaction to the customer and it work. Like it :)
Achil Alexander (31/07/2016 15:13)
Pablo Serbal (29/07/2016 14:15)
great coffee with good people