Komentar :
Viva Gaming (23/05/2018 10:23)
Nur Hayat (12/04/2018 17:20)
pelayanan bagus, tempatnya luas, nyaman..... mekanik nya profesional....
Tonny Pekudjawang (12/02/2018 08:54)
Muhyidin faqoth (10/02/2018 11:02)
Good places
Karim Saleh (17/01/2018 02:52)
I went there to do my 1000 Kilometres service for my new Agya. They accepted me as a walk-in and they were really fast. The service took around 2 hours, just cause we arrived late and without booking. The place is clean, especially the toilet which made it easy for me and my wife to stay there in comfort and enjoy our free coffee in the waiting room. There is a nice Mushola there for prayers as well. It is a bit far from the city, but I would recommend it lots if you don't wanna queue so much inside the Bandung city service centers, and they are fast and professional. Worth a try.
Faridz Mohamad (26/11/2017 06:28)
Good reserve
Rianty Dee (07/10/2017 07:41)
The best ..
HARRI TOYOTA (30/10/2017 08:13)
warno waluyo (03/10/2017 03:23)
Maria Elisabeth Damian (30/09/2017 08:54)
Urusan Toyota Jadi Mudah! Layanan penjualan dan purna jual dari Auto2000 Rancaekek yang sangat memuaskan dan memorable, thank you Auto2000 Rancaekek!
Egi nurul Aiman (08/05/2017 05:53)
Beli mobil ke auto 2000 aja... Referensi Nih no sales nya service nya dan pelayanannya sangat bagus
bngettt namanya Pa Egy 0838-0556-0832 WA / D6F03D0A (BBM)
Fatkur Rochim (24/03/2017 09:53)
nice place, nice services
Erwin Irdianto (12/01/2017 02:40)
Tempat nya ok bagus, tpi sayang setiap kali saya servis mobil sendiri atw antar teman services,layanan WIFI nya selalu g tersambung,, dengan alasan gangguan trus setiap kali di tanya.. MOHON untuk di perhatikan..
Rahmat Hidayat (21/11/2016 02:13)
Auto2000 rancaekek bengkel Toyota yang Lengkap dan nyaman pelayanan cepat tepat dan memuaskan bagi owner Toyota servis kendaraan anda di Auto2000 rancaekek untuk area Bandung timur yaitu jatinangor cileunyi cicalengka dsk
Shiro Yui (12/10/2016 22:49)
zhieclips Vx (14/07/2016 01:39)
erwin mardiansah (18/06/2016 01:05)
Alta Farrell (14/11/2016 17:04)
kalo kami ingin berkunjung dengan rombongan bagaimana caranya?
Yanto Susanto (22/07/2016 05:00)
Untuk pendaftaran harus nunggu kurang lebih 3/4 jam, mungkin krn saya masuk agak siang, sekitar jam 10.00, tp untuk fasilitas konsumen cukup ok..
de Soleh (09/04/2016 09:44)
Hari ini kecewa saya... Nunggu sejam, ditolak, teknisi kerja setengah hari.. Sungguh tidak profesional